Category: VBA

Convert .snag files to .jpg

The following code converts .snag files into .jpg formats. This isn’t directly supported by the SnagIt COM API, but I was able to hack it by way of SendKeys to get an image onto the clipboard. In a broader sense, I’m using this to convert .snag files to .jpg on the file, which I can then insert into blank PowerPoint slides for dynamically building presentations. SnagIt code appears to be scarce on the Internet, so I’m offering this as thanks to others that posted various aspects that I pieced together to accomplish this.

Using Collections in Excel to populate UserForm Controls

The following is programming code we frequently use to populate a drop-down list or listbox on an Excel UserForm with a unique list of items from a spreadsheet.


Write to CSV file

The following is programming code we frequently use when creating CSV files from Excel.


Verifying Dates within Excel UserForms

The following code is a routine we frequently use in our Excel projects to verify that the user has entered a date properly within a text box in a userform. In addition, dates such as 0704 get transformed to 07/04/yy where yy is the current year. Valid date inputs include 0704, 070412, 07/04/12, or 07/04/2012. All four will be validated and transformed to 07/04/12.